Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sew adventure in vintage sewing

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first pattern from the Vintage Pattern Lending Library's 1912 Project.  This ambitious project is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Individuals from across the globe have volunteered to join the cause and help Janyce Hill of the VPLL make up all the patterns from all of the 1912 issues of the French fashion magazine La Mode Illustree.  My preference is to sew children's or women's garments, though menswear is also included in the project.  I will blog about my progress and the construction process here...

It is hard not to get a bit excited about tackling this project after doing a little research into the fashions of the era and seeing the first of the patterns that have been prepared for us.  I look forward to the challenge, not only of recreating these fashions, but also to incorporating vintage details into my current garments.